A couple smiling at each other, standing close in an outdoor setting, with a blurred natural background.

Babe and Christina both grew up in the Union 61 District. They were married at a neighboring property, Misty Meadows on Lake Road, never knowing that someday that beautiful farm up the street would be theirs.

Chris (Babe) Predella is currently the President and CEO of Babe’s Lawn care Inc., a company of 25 employees located in Brimfield, MA. Babe started his business in 1993 by mowing neighborhood lawns with a Murray Push Mower he purchased at Spags. The business now has an extensive customer base in both the commercial and residential landscape sectors.  

Prior to purchasing the farm, Christina was a middle/high school teacher where she taught health/wellness and nutrition courses and was a very active student advisor for a variety of groups at Quaboag Regional High School.

After being out on maternity leave with their second child, she made the decision to put her focus on her family first and their dream of polishing Oakholm and becoming an event coordinator at the farm.

With Babes background in landscaping and agriculture and Christina’s background with venue planning next door at Misty Meadows Farm as her summer hobby, they make a perfect pair to allow the property to thrive in the years to come, while maintaining the look and feel of the beautiful estate as it stood 80+ years ago.

Together they have created a secluded wedding destination where his rustic utility and her sophisticated sensibility court one another. They have saved Oakholm Farm Estate, and over a century of farming tradition.

“We’ve PLaced our whole hearts into this farm & we hope you can see that when you’re here.”


A family of four standing on a forest path covered with fallen leaves. The father is holding a young boy, while the mother holds a young girl. Another girl stands next to the mother. They're all smiling and dressed in casual fall clothing.
Sign reading 'Oakholm Farm Estate' in front of a rustic barn, surrounded by yellow and white flowers, stone wall, and trees.


It all began after a long search for just the right country home…

The late President and CEO of Norton Co. George Jeppson  purchased Oakholm Farm in 1925, from the Willis Sibley Family. George and his wife Selma were of Swedish descent from Worcester. The Swedish heritage was prominent throughout the farm estate.

Oakholm Farm overlooking Lake Quaboag, is on a knoll surrounded by oak forests. A knoll in Swedish is “holm,” as in Stockholm, prompting Selma Jeppson to name the place Oakholm. Oakholm was a wonderful counterpart to the formal lives they lived in Worcester.

As the years passed, Georges son, John Jeppson also became the chairman and CEO of Norton, which is now Saint-Gobain. John later took over the operation of Oakholm Farm as well.

For decades, John Jeppson the 2nd was a business and civic leader in Worcester. He ran Norton Company and headed the boards of Clark University and the American Antiquarian Society. He served in key positions at the Worcester Art Museum, Tower Hill Botanic Garden and a host of community organizations. Mr. Jeppson fit all of that in around operating Oakholm, a 150-acre commercial farm and family retreat in Brookfield.

Oakholm, with its 12 buildings, acres of woodland, pastures and beautiful gardens was a place for relaxation and fun. Over the last 100 years the Jeppson’s have raised Belgian horses, Guernsey & Dexter cows, turkeys and other animals, as well as Christmas trees, blueberries, and raspberries. They maintained the hayfields and beautiful gardens.

Oakholm played an important role in John Jeppson’s romance and second marriage, to former Marianne Shellabarger. Their happy union throughout 60 years was instrumental in keeping Oakholm a special place and was the central theme of his book, “Making Hay.”

There are engaging tales about loyal servants who stayed with the family for decades. There were visits by Swedish royalty, the national soccer teams and the Sofia Girls, renowned gymnasts from Sweden; all of them entertained at the farm. There are tales of their beloved pets, a herd of diseased cattle that had to be destroyed, equestrian episodes, an orphaned hummingbird called Jefferson, a pair of bald eagles, and, of course, making hay — at first the old fashioned way by hand, and later with the help of machinery. There are stories about showdowns between humans and varmints that feast on berries and flowers, bats hiding behind shutters and an invasion of cats and foxes. “Making Hay” reflects John Jeppson’s gracious personality, love of life and nostalgia for a simpler world.

From Lake Road, “Oakholm” reads above one of the three iconic barns that greets you as you enter this extensive family retreat. A private winding drive leads to the 6,557± sq. ft. main house, originally built in the 1800s and expanded in the 1930s. Situated atop a knoll, this residence affords a picturesque view down across the lawns and out over the waters of Quaboag Lake. A display which connects the residence to its remarkably beautiful and private natural setting. On the opposite side of Lake Road sits the current caretaker’s house with cleared agricultural fields and a Christmas tree nursery.

Babe & Christina Predella have made it their dream to preserve the gem of Brookfield with their family & dear friends; and maintain this special property for what it served as for generations. The couple will continue to offer high quality Christmas trees, blueberries and raspberries, host retreats for summers, holidays, family reunions, as well as create a legacy of their own as a wedding & event venue, craft brewery, and family farm. Their mission is to most importantly keep the farm a place of love, respect, fun, celebration, peace and relaxation, and a place where families come together. A place where people enter as strangers and leave as friends.